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Widespread Portfolios granted Chatham Rise licence

Widespread Portfolios (10%), and its associated company Widespread Energy Limited (90%) established in 2008 a joint venture, (“the Joint Venture or JV”) that has today been granted an offshore prospecting permit by the Crown Resources Division of the Ministry of Economic Development covering an area of 4,726 km2 on the central Chatham Rise. The permit area, which is in New Zealand territorial waters, is located 600 km east of Christchurch and is believed to include significant shallow seabed deposits of rock phosphate and other potentially valuable minerals.Read More

Net Asset Backing 20.3 cents to 78.8 cents

New Zealand Exchange Limited 
P.O. Box 2959 

4 December 2009

Dear Sir, 

Widespread Portfolios net asset backing per share 

We wish to advise that the unaudited net asset backing per Widespread Portfolios share, as at 9 a.m. today, ranges from 20.3 cents to 78.8 cents, depending on the valuation methodology applied to our major asset, our 6.47% shareholding in Asian Mineral Resources (“AMR”).


Share of AMR net assets

This net assets calculation assumes our Asian Mineral Resource shareholding is valued at our share of AMR’s audited net assets, an approach consistent with our major shareholding in AMR and continuing significant influence within the company. The recently published Asian Minerals annual report records net assets of CAD 48 million. This figure is based primarily on construction costs capitalised since the mining license was granted in December 2007. This carrying value has been sustained, in discussion with the AMR auditors, based on project valuations that obviously match or exceed CAD 48 million (as if they hadn’t an impairment write-down would have been necessary).

May 2009 20 day volume weighted average price

Our recently published audited financial statements include the AMR shareholding at the twenty day volume-weighted-average-market price as at 20 May 2009. This approach, dictated by New Zealand International Financial Reporting Standards, results in an NTA per WID share of 24.4 cents.   We consider this price irrelevant as a) it assumes an efficient market exists for AMR shares and b) that the market value of small parcels of AMR shares is the same as that for large holdings. Neither assumption is correct in respect of Asian Minerals shares 

AMR market price today

The last price the AMR shares traded at in Canada. We also consider this price irrelevant for the reasons already stated.

Malaysian Smelting Corporation project valuation

Malaysian Smelting Corporation, a Malaysian listed mining conglomerate also represented on the AMR board, holds the second largest shareholding. Its recent annual report records that its 18.2% Asian Minerals shareholding is valued at CAD 26.4 million, effectively valuing the company at CAD 145 million. This audited carrying value is based on an audited robust project valuation of the Ban Phuc Nickel Mine forecast cash flows. This project valuation obviously matches or exceeds CAD 145 million. 

Our view

We prefer the bricks and mortar based net assets figure of CAD 48 million, partially because this would be the floor price if it were decided by Asian Minerals to sell the project together with the mining license, exploration programme data, and other intellectual property in the company. Approximately CAD 75 million has been invested in the project since 1989.

Your view

We have detailed the various valuation approaches that can be applied to our shareholding in AMR. Given the transparency of this information, our shareholders are now in a position where they can then decide for themselves what they consider to be the value of our shares.

Diluted Net Assets per share

Using the share of AMR’s net assets approach, the fully diluted NTA per WID share is 89 cents assuming the listed warrants are exercised @ $2.986 and the unlisted director-held warrants are exercised @ $3.286. All warrants expire on 30 June 2012. 

This NTA per share information is also available on our website (www.widespread.co.nz)  and is updated daily.

For and on behalf of the Board,

Chris D Castle

Onekaka, 4 December 2009

Widespread Portfolios interim result to 30 September 2009

Widespread Portfolios Limited

Interim Report

for the six months to 30 September 2009

Your directors submit the financial statements of Widespread Portfolios Limited for the six months to 30 September 2009.

The trading result for the period was a loss of $187,000  (6 months to 30 September 2007, $298,000 loss).


All listed assets are included at market values with the exception of Asian Minerals which (as has been the case for seven of the last nine years) is currently included at directors’ valuation. This valuation is based on our share of Asian Minerals net assets and takes into account independent project valuation data, the strategic nature of the shareholding, our close association with the company (including board representation), and all the present circumstances surrounding the Ban Phuc Nickel Project in Vietnam (further detail on these circumstances is included below). Recent sales in Canada of small shareholdings by small shareholders are not, in our view, a relevant benchmark for the value of our significantly larger stake in the company.  

As can be seen from the table, we have quite a diverse set of major investments, both in terms of geographical spread and by commodity.

Asian Mineral Resources  (presently 55.9% of our portfolio)

Until 13 June 2008, AMR was steadily progressing towards its goal of establishing a small-scale, high-grade underground nickel mine in northern Vietnam. The mining license had finally been granted in December 2007, substantial sums of money raised in early 2008 (including USD 34 million invested by Malaysian Smelting Corporation for a 20% stake in the company), and the mining camp, processing plant and mine development were well advanced and proceeding according to plan. The company had already invested USD 61.5 million in the project since its inception and was in negotiations with a number of potential financiers willing to invest another USD 45 million to finance the completion of the plant. With 100 million shares on issue the market value of the company was then approximately CA