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Buyback - Ordinary Units

The following information is provided in accordance with Listing Rule 7.12:

Class of security: Ordinary Shares
Number acquired: 470,670
Acquisition price: $0.013 per share
Payment in cash: Yes
Fully paid: Yes
Percentage of Ordinary Shares on issue 0.05%
Reason for the Acquisition: Pursuant to buy back programme announced to
the market on 29 May 2007
Authority for the acquisition: Director resolution
Number of Ordinary Shares on issue after the acquisition (including treasury
stock): 1,014,487,700
Acquired shares held as treasury stock: Yes

Total number of shares held as treasury stock: 9,470,670
Dates of Acquisition: 4 February 2008 Acquisition Date
8 February 2008 Settlement Date

On behalf of the Board,

Chris D Castle

Email: c.castle@paradise.net.nz
Tel/fax 03 525 9170

End CA:00160127 For:WID Type:BUYBACK Time:2008-02-05:10:46:02